Friday, December 12, 2008

For-fun Photoshop Graphics?--anyone?

Hey guys..
So I just remembered how much fun photoshop was last night.. xD
Soooo, I'll take in requests for graphics, from practically anyone. Just give me a description of what the icon needs to look like, the words/text, etc. I'll give it all to you (I'm so nice). But it's typically for the whole Gmail Group (basically anyone who has gmail) and the graphics are just 100x100 icons typically for Gmail. Surprise, eh?

And just so everyone can have an idea of where my skills in Photoshop are..

I created them; just 'cause I put it here, doesn't mean you can use them. Especially the kissing fish one; that one's special. xD Of course, you can always ask for permission and see what I will say...

So, request away. :P Just contact me, doesn't really matter how. Email, im, at school, whatever. I'm just having a lot of Photoshop muse right now that needs to be used. ><

It's Okay to Rant

I propose that everyone should have the right to rant. ><

Okay, time to randomly rant.. (HA, alliteration!-- I am so nerdy. x])
-I'm beginning to hate guys, like I have such a strong desire to release a stifled punch..
-Dynamic Earth Project needs to DIE.
-Winter break is coming up and I'm buying my friends presents--that's always fun! :]
-I love the cold, so, so, so, so, so, much.
-Why are people so racist? Just 'cause you're talking to someone from the opposite gender and they're from the same race as you doesn't mean you're going out with them. =.=
- I love decorating and buying gifts--random fact.
- I miss Brittany so much. D:
- I am scared..
- Terribly scared about growing up and making a living; career day just reminded me all the terrible and scary things out there..
- I wish things could easily occupy my mind sometimes, but they dont. :(
- You butt will hurt a lot after Career Day. o___o

I think that sums it up..